The Langfield Homes are located in Buffalo, New York in the United States. I have been living in these homes my whole life. I live with my mother Renee, my father Eddie, my older brother Quincy and my younger sister Britney. Personally just by looking at the place it doesn't seem as if it's a place for people in the poverty income level. But, in order to live in these homes you have to have to be in a lower social class. The demographic in this area is mostly African-American. People in the neighborhood call the government run houses "projects"; which is consider a negative term to use. Because of the concentrated impoverished people the crime rate is higher than other areas that are more diverse. The houses are all identical on the inside and outside. We all have two floors with one or two bathroom and from one to four bedrooms. Your monthly rent depends on your income, if you have no income you pay a base rate of something like $50 with utilities included. Despite high crime rates, I see very little of it with my own eyes. On my row of houses (which is seen the picture) there are more little kids than anything so I see more positive than other rows might see. We see little boys playing football and little girls drawing pictures with sidewalk chalk. On Friday nights most of the youth go to youth night at the neighborhood church. They offer religion, food, and fun which is a good bargain for kids who might not have food in their homes. Living in this type of environment has made me look for the better things in life. So, I don't regret being brought up in these homes I call home.
I appreciate your Langfield Homes comments. I was born in August 1947, and when I was brought home from the hospital it was to 17 Bieter Walk, Buffalo, NY. This housing was originally for the defense plant workers during WW2. Both of my parents worked in aircraft assembly plants in Buffalo and Niagara Falls and as such lived there. After the war (1945) they continued to reside there paying, I think, $40.00 a month for a two bed room. I remember living there and there was only one black family that I ever saw. But, even at that age, I saw the place was full of characters. About the age of seven the management was trying hard to get us to move as we didn't meet the criteria of tenants anymore. The "project" had gone from war worker housing to low income housing. Even though my father wasn't making over about $2.50 an hour he was making too much to be qualified as a tenant. My parents eventually bought a house in Cheektowaga. In Cheektowaga I went to Our Lady Help of Christians school and in about the 6th grade started geting the shit beat out of us, just like you see in the movies about the catholic schools of the 50's. Well I worked civil service for the Federal Government and was lucky enought to retire at age 55 with a full pension. And now wife (who is also retired) and I are enjoying our lives in beautiful San Diego, CA.
ReplyDeleteMr. Hassett a incredible story. I grew up in Langfield Projects. I had a son born at 18 Bieter walk. She couldn't make it to the hospital to give birth. I graduated from Kensington High School in June 1988. The school reportedly closed the next year due to: poor academic performance, a high concentration of students in poverty, increasing number of student violence, as well as the school district's financial crisis. Even the school district was in poverty. Kensington was also home to the Buffalo Academy of Science and Math, a small magnet high school, from 1989 to 1993 when it was moved to Riverside High School. I joined the US Army two weeks after high school. Later graduated college with Executive Master of Business Administration. I retired from the Army and worked for Department of Justice. I retired from civil service as Federal law enforcement officer and budget analyst at age of 51 in August 2021. I enjoyed doing work of great national important. I now live in the great state of Kansas when I'm not in my summer house in Cainta Rizal Philippines.