Hazard Street is the place I call home. On the corner next to the stop sign, you will find the green house that always has at least one car in the driveway. My neighbors are so friendly and are very warm and welcoming. Every0ne's door is always open and you are always greeted when you get out of the car with a "Hey, how's it going!" or a "Hello!" Directly down the street there is one of the Solvay Fire Houses, a park and one of the most historic places in Solvay, Hazard Street School. This was the place that my entire family attended, and sadly it was just torn down to make athletic fields for our school district. Regardless, the memories of that building still remain with me and many of my neighbors. Not only does the friendliness exist on Hazard Street, but the neighbors on the neighboring streets are so forthcoming and again, greet everyone with a smile. Not only is the house I live in the one I have lived in my entire life, but it is the home that my great-grandparents lived as well, so my home is even more meaningful to me and my family. I could not imagine living on any other street in Solvay, it's a place that I'm comfortable and I know and love every single one of my neighbors-even the old man across the stre

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